About Us
The National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) is a type 3A entity and agency of the Department of Trade, Industry, and Competition (the dtic). It is South Africa's highest authority on measurement, tasked with developing and maintaining the national measurement standards and providing measurement solutions and confidence in measurement accuracy that underpin South Africa's economic prosperity, trade and quality of life.
As part of South Africa's quality infrastructure, NMISA is key in the operation of domestic markets and global competitiveness by ensuring the integrity of measurements conducted at various stages of the value chains of different commodities and manufactured products for the local and export markets NMISA also forms part of the Multi-Stakeholder Quality Forum (MSQF). This forum is a voluntary body of various public entities, and associations representing practitioners and government structures who have an interest in promoting and improving the Quality Infrastructure system in South Africa.
The main objectives are to improve information exchange, strengthen coordination, foster collaboration between different organisations, and to collectively raise awareness of the value of the QI system to the rest of society. Read more about this forum by clicking here.
Our Mandate
NMISA was established and is fulfilling its legal mandate under the Measurement Units and Measurement Standards Act, Act No. 18 of 2006.
- To provide for the use of measurement units of the International System of Units (SI).
- To designate other measurement units for use and to provide for the designation of the National Measurement Standards (NMS), and to develop, keep, maintain, and disseminate the NMS (reference measurements, reference standards and reference materials).
To enable regional and global market access for our clients and enhance the quality of life for all South Africans, through internationally accepted measurement systems.
To consistently deliver outstanding innovative and internationally accepted measurement systems that support regional and international trade, and people's quality of life, and enable the protection of the environment.
• Evolving and adapting with new technologies to deliver innovative measurement solutions for niche markets.
• Inspiring confidence in stakeholders that our commitments are consistently met and that their satisfaction is our priority.
Knowledge sharing
• Achieving more through networking, collaboration and partnerships to build a better future together.
• Acting ethically and responsibly in all aspects of work and taking ownership of our actions and their outcomes.
• Embracing diversity and different perspectives, with consideration for our social and physical environment.